Wednesday, 26 January 2011

1st entry

I have always been a blogger at LiveJournal but I decided I needed to start a new blog, elsewhere. In a place where no one new me and where my private ramblings that I don't mind being public can be viewed. Given that I'm quite opinionated but have two parents pushing sixty (and have long since stopped caring about things as much) I find myself ranting to a death audience. At least here I can rant to a deaf internet audience.

When starting a new blog most people just jump in and tell people about themselves, who they are and what they do. I can't be bothered to tell people about that so I will settle for just pointing you to the About Me section of the blog. If I manage to keep this thing up-to-date then I guess you'll learn more about me as a go along. If not, then you're no worse off and I haven't yet again stuck my heart and soul into a blog I may or may not be bothered with.

It takes a lot of motivation to keep a blog when your life is a mental-case.

Probably the best-ish news that has happened to me today is that my mother, who is more or less disabled being only able to walk short distances before she is tired/in pain as a result of arthritis and anemia, caused by a poorly functioning kidney, who has also been suffering from a winter bug... has started eating again. Sort of.

But I don't want to talk about my private life here. That's my business and it is damnwell staying on LiveJournal in my private journal. However if I have a political rant or an opinion on how my generation - who the press are already calling the 'lost generation' - have been pissed all over by the scum that are David Cameron and camera-shy wanker George Osbourne, they you will be the first to know.

Not to mention opinions on the weak-minded Clegg who is now about as popular as a bount of swine flu. The man who single-handedly went from hero to zero in the space of six months following his failure to stand up for his principles and the policies for which the voters put him where he is. My greatest hope, ironically although I agree with it, is that the vote on voting reform fails, the LibDems pull the plug on the coalition and Clegg disappears.

The same will doubtless happen to David Cameron, potentially one of the most unremarkable PMs this country has ever seen. He is a name who is destined to earn no more than five points on the 22nd series of 'Pointless', if the show is still going in some form. No reason why is shouldn't -- it's more popular than he is.