Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Trouble with the NHS? Tories just don't get it, do they?

Pledges of NHS waiting times in doubt.

The moral of the story? Never trust conservatives with the public sector.

My dad has been waiting for his hernia operation since the end of March. He has a blood disorder and so he needs to have blood taken out regularly in order for it to be safe to operate on him. It should have been sorted out months ago but they're still messing around as they keep pushing his operation back, which means he has to keep having blood take out to make it safer for them to operate on him. They have cancelled his operation three times now. That's just a simple hernia operation.

This whole thing has just proved that you NEED bureacracy in order to make an organisation like the NHS run smoothly. You need more managers all the time with a population growing all the time and nearly every single one of them using the NHS at some point in their life. You can't ship out duties or look for cheap deals in the NHS. That's just the Tories' brainless and uninformed tinking.

Least we don't live in America. If we did my mum would be dead and by dad would be on the way out too. At least he is on a sodding waiting list - I guess they're just treating all the more seriously ill people first. But it's just a hernia operation! It's not fair that my dad has to keep having his blood fixed over and over again. It tires him out, for Christ's sake! He's an ill man.

Cameron talks a load of crap but has yet to deliver on anything, even the polices he was supposedly passionate about. Given that his family relied on the NHS for so many years, he should be ashamed of himself. Yes, Blair was the first true 'career' politician and career PM but at least he was good at it. Cameron and Clegg have always been nothing more than Tony Blair wannabes. They are trying to become 'the next Blair' but lack the charisma and the ability to sweat out the critics of press and opposition. They care more about their non-existant image than about doing their jobs. They don't appear to care about anything and lack even the illusion of substance to make up for lack of leadership. Say what you like about Gordon Brown, he was the last true party leader. They are all faceless wonders now he's gone. They might as well be the same bloody nasty, poorly made Tony Blair clone.

At least Ed Milliband is vaguely recognisable because he's a geek. :p