Monday, 11 July 2011

The Cameron/Coulson Affair

Michael Fallon is a tosser anyway.

His interview aired on Channel 4 News a few days ago (09/07/2011) showed that. The Tories try to blame Labour again but Krishan's not having it. BTW for those of you who are unaware Andy Coulson HAS been arrested and charged. That happened the day after this interview; he is now released on bail.

It is silly what Fallon is saying because only Tony Blair dealt with Murdoch. Gordon Brown had nothing to do with him (and it was because of that he lost the election) and Ed Miliband hasn't either. In fact it has come out now the the News of the World targetted Gordon Brown by hacking into his back accounts and the medical records of his son. It was in the BBC news tonight as well.

Gordon Brown suspect that his phones were being hacked all the way back in January and he suspect that it wasn't the NOTW that did it, but the Sunday Times. This is another Murrdoch paper. Hence why the papers are all saying News International targetted Gordon Brown. Apparently Brown is set to lob another bomb in Murdoch's way because of this. Frankly, I don't see why it should be surprising. If one or Murdoch's papers did it, they're probably all doing it. Here the FT did a piece on it.

Memo to our American and Australian cousins -- get your independant newspapers to investigate his dealings there too. There is a reason why Murdoch has kept Rebekah Brooks close; it because she knows where all the bodies are buried. If he's doing it in the UK, he probably doing it in all the other countries too. I do hope it does make other countries touched by Murdoch stop and think, "Maybe we should investigate his dealings with these places before he shreds all the evidence."

Pressure is mounting on David Cameron to halt the BSkyB takeover and Ed Miliband was successful in calling for a vote on stopping the BSkyB takeover on Wednesday. I even wrote an email to my MP (who I hate because she's a useless Tory) asking her to vote in favour of stopping the BSkyB takeover. Fat chance but at least it's something Thurrock can hold against her later if she doesn't vote in favour of it.

Interestingly enough the cowardly Cameron has been keeping his head down the last few days. Instead of going to the house to answer Ed Miliband's questions he got Jeremy Hunt, the Culture Secretary, to answer them. Would you like to know his weighty actions to halt the BSkyB takeover? He wrote a letter to Ofcom. Wow.

David Cameron was off trying to sell the Big Society for the millionth time. What does that involve I hear you cry? Privitisation through the back door. Go to Hell, Cameron!